home page

History of MePod

MePod is multi-page application desinged for corus employees. It was originally desinged in python as a simple CLI program. After about a year a GUI was added using Tkinter. The first web version was built with flask, and was later updated to add some reactivity using vinella javascript. From there it has been built with js frameworks like react and svelte, with flask for the backend rest API. Now this itteration will be built with with sveltekit, specifically using an off branch of theo's t3 tech stack called t3svelte. Databases started as a simple folder and txt doc, to sqlite, to mongodb and finally postgress. The current tech stack is sveltekit, trpc, prisma, tailwindcss with daisyUI, and postgress.

An Overview of Mepod

  1. Orders Page

    • view pending orders
    • edit orders
    • start new orders
    • finalize orders buy downlaoding pdf
  2. Received Page

    • view orders that have been sent and received
    • update waiting orders when some or all parts are received
  3. Parts Page

    • search and view all parts
    • see orders containing parts
    • see tools with the part
  4. Tools Page

    • search and view all tools
    • search tools
    • edit parts for tool
    • add new parts or new tools
  5. Customer Page

    • view all customers
    • edit customer details
    • add new customer


mepod developer

David Fessler

A self taught programmer and a future web developer. My first two years programming was a lot of time learning just the general concepts with python. Eventually i wanted to move into something that was ideal to build mepod, and that sparked my journey into the world of javascript and typescript. It has been a fast and crazy ride, learning and trying different frameworks and libraries.

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